For Play: A Guide to Your First Sex Toy

For Play: A Guide to Your First Sex Toy

A sex toy is more than just a purchase—it’s a powerful step into self-discovery and satisfaction. But how do you know what to choose when it’s your first time trying out toys?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by vibrators, stimulators, and more, don’t worry—we’re here to guide you every step of the way to make your first experience truly unforgettable.

First Things First: Work Out What Works for You

Before we dive into the different types of toys, take a moment to reflect on what excites you most when it comes to self-pleasure. To help narrow down your options, here are a few questions to consider:


1. Do you prefer internal, external, or dual stimulation?

If you’re all about clitoral sensations, consider a bullet or wand vibrator. For internal exploration, a G-spot or egg-shaped toy might be your match. Love both? A rabbit vibrator could be perfect.


2. Are you looking for solo satisfaction or shared fun?

Vibrators and dildos are excellent for solo play, while couples’ toys or cock rings add shared excitement to partner sessions.


3. What kind of intensity do you imagine being comfortable with?

Some want to stay comfortable with soft vibrations and smaller toys, while others seeking bold sensations might enjoy wands or app-controlled devices.


4. Are you intrigued by a specific type of play?

If backdoor stimulation sparks your curiosity, consider a small anal plug. For sensory control, remote-controlled toys let you play with settings—or let a partner take charge.

💡 Not sure what you like yet?

Don’t worry—that’s completely normal! The fun of playing with sex toys is discovering new things about your intimate self. So if you don’t know the answers to the questions above, start with a versatile option like Svakom’s Cici—wonderfully designed for beginners and experts alike.

What Types of Sex Toys Are Out There?

With so many different sex toy options available, it can be tricky to figure out where to start. From vibrators to dildos, clitoral stimulators to cock rings, there’s a whole world of pleasure-enhancing toys designed to suit your unique preferences. 

So, let’s fall down the rabbit hole and explore what’s out there:


Perfect for beginners, vibrators can create the buzz you need—inside and out. Whatever you’re in the mood for, there’s a vibrator that can deliver the perfect sensation.


Bullet Vibrators

Small and discreet, ideal for targeted external stimulation, especially for the clitoris. Added bonus: they’re discreet and portable!



Wand Vibrators

These are larger, powerful toys designed for external use, often with a flexible head for full-body massage or clitoral stimulation. Want to create masturbation magic with a wand? Try How to Use a Wand Vibrator for more top tips. 🪄


G-Spot Vibrators

Curved to hit the G-spot, these powerful toys offer both vibration and direct pressure, which can result in deeply satisfying internal stimulation and powerful orgasms.


Rabbit Vibrators

A dream for multi-taskers, rabbits are dual-action toys that stimulate both the clitoris and the G-spot simultaneously.


Remote-Controlled Vibrators

Enjoy going hands-free with an app-controlled or remote-operated device. Some models even feature settings that can be adjusted based on a partner's control, adding an element of surprise and excitement to your experience!



Like bullets, egg-shaped toys—such as Svakom’s Elva—are small, discreet, and offer versatile stimulation options in a compact form. Ideal for hatching new pleasures within! 🥚


Couples’ Toys

Looking to spice things up with your partner? Couples’ toys can bring an exciting new dimension to intimacy. Svakom’s Erica is perfect for shared pleasure—offering simultaneous internal and external stimulation to heighten connection and exploration.

And, if you’re up for exploring different toys with new people, couples' toys are also great for fostering intimacy early on and discovering what you both enjoy!



Cock Rings

Beyoncé famously said, “If you like it then you should have put a ring on it.” Frankly, it’s great advice for all those with a penis. By gently constricting blood flow, cock rings can enhance sensitivity and stamina, offering longer-lasting and more intense experiences. Svakom’s Winni 2 takes things a step further with powerful vibrations and adjustable modes, making it equally thrilling for solo use, or as a way to share the buzz with a partner. 


💡 New to cock rings? Check out a Beginner’s Guide to Cock Rings.

Anal Toys

Anal toys are made specifically for backdoor play, and beginners can find fun by exploring smaller toys to start. Svakom’s Primo plug has a unique warming function that relaxes newbies into the sensation.

💡 Curious to explore this kind of play? Discover your Best Anal Vibrator for Beginners.

How to Choose the Right Sex Toy for You

1. Reflect on what excites you

When it comes to your toy, are you seeking gentle exploration or bold intensity? For a good all-rounder and a versatile start, try Svakom’s Ella Neo: a sleek app-controlled toy ideal for experimentation (and, of course, pleasure).

ELLA NEO  Svakom

2. Value Quality and Design

Opt for sustainable, long-lasting products crafted with care. Svakom’s Cici blends softness and sophistication, embodying both comfort and style.

CICI+ 2  Svakom

3. Celebrate the Moment

Let this be about connecting with yourself. Compact yet powerful, the Phoenix Neo offers quiet elegance, perfect for discreet and intimate pleasure.



Top Tips for First-Time Toy Users

Embarking on your journey with your first sex toy is incredibly exciting—yet understandably a little nerve-wracking. Don’t worry though: with a little practice (and a lot of pleasure), you’ll go from newcomer (literally) to confident explorer in no time.

Follow these tips to get started!

1. Set the Stage

Choose a calm and safe space to explore your first toy without distractions. Whether paired up or flying solo, make sure you feel comfortable and confident in your surroundings to get down to business.


2. Always Read the Instructions

As a rule of thumb (or more fittingly, genitalia), please read and understand your toy’s unique features and instructions before use—including how to operate and care for it. And speaking of…


3. Be Sure to Clean and Store Your Toy Properly

You don’t have to keep things clean in the bedroom, but you should always clean your sex toy after use. Follow the recommended cleaning guidelines for your chosen toy, and if you want more information about how to clean up properly, check out this article.



4. Lube it Up

When it comes to your first sex toy, a good lubricant is your best friend—it keeps things running smooth and enhances every sensation. Opt for a water-based lubricant compatible with your toy for enhanced comfort.

💦  Pro tip: Avoid silicone-based lubricants with silicone toys (they don’t mix well) and always reapply if things get a little dry. A little lube can make all the difference!

5. Start Slow

Remember: start slow and the pleasure will grow! If you’re nervous, relax and begin with gentler settings when you’re using a vibrator, like Svakom’s Tulip. Slowly increase the speed or intensity as you grow more comfortable with the sensation.


6. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body responds. If something feels great, keep exploring it. If not, adjust the pressure, speed, or angle until it does.

Remember—your journey to personal pleasure is unique. Let your body lead the way until you find what feels amazing to you!



Our Toys 🤝 Your Pleasure

Svakom celebrates individuality and empowers everybody to explore what works for them. So take your time, have fun, and let your pleasure take center stage.


Ready to become a pro?
Check out our full
Beginner’s Guide to Sex Toys and start prioritizing your pleasure today!


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