Get Lucky: A Guide to Pleasure and Play This St. Patrick’s Day

Get Lucky: A Guide to Pleasure and Play This St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day might be all about luck, but when it comes to pleasure, you don’t have to leave things to chance. 

So whether you choose to celebrate solo or with a partner, this is the perfect time to embrace confidence, connection, and new experiences in the bedroom.

🍀 Lucky Sex Fact

Studies show that people who regularly orgasm report higher levels of happiness and confidence. Pleasure might be a good luck charm for overall well-being!

How Confidence and Desire Go Hand in Hand

Feeling sexy starts with confidence. Whether you’re exploring solo play or spicing things up with a partner, building self-assurance is key. 

Here are some quick ways to feel more desirable and in control of your pleasure:

  • Engage in self-care to boost your mood and self-esteem.

  • Create an erotic playlist to set the mood.

  • Wear something that makes you feel powerful and sexy.

  • Try sensual meditation or mindfulness techniques to stay present during intimacy.

🍀 Lucky Sex Fact

A 2018 study found that people who engage in regular sex often report feeling “luckier” in other areas of their lives—perhaps because of the endorphin boost that improves mood and motivation.



Sex Toys to Bring You Pleasure and Good Vibes

Why not treat yourself to a little lucky charm this St. Patrick’s Day? Here are some SVAKOM toy recommendations to make your holiday even more exciting:

For Solo Play

For Couples

🍀 Lucky Sex Fact

Research suggests that people who masturbate regularly tend to have higher self-esteem and better sleep quality—two things that definitely make life feel luckier!


Try Something New for Extra Excitement

The thrill of new experiences can bring a spark of excitement to your love life. 
Here are some fun ideas to add novelty to your pleasure routine:

  • Experiment with a new type of toy (thrusting vibrators, anal toys, or warming sensations).

  • Try temperature play with cooling or warming lubricants.

  • Engage in fantasy play by dressing up or exploring a shared kink.

🍀 Lucky Sex Fact

A study found that novelty in the bedroom can increase dopamine levels, the same neurotransmitter linked to luck and positive risk-taking. So, trying something new isn’t just exciting—it could bring more fortune into your love life!


Irish-Inspired Foreplay Games

Want to make things even more fun? Here are a few playful ideas for couples to turn up the heat:

  • "Pot of Gold" Surprise: Write different types of pleasure (massage, oral, teasing) on pieces of paper and randomly pick one.

    Or if you don't have time to write it down, why not just print it out? You can use SVAKOM's free printable foreplay cards to skip the legwork and get on down to the fun stuff—fast.

  • "Kiss Me, I’m Irish" Challenge: Your partner must “kiss” (or tease) different body parts before moving on.

  • Green-Themed Strip Tease: Wear layers of green and take them off slowly while teasing your partner.

🍀 Lucky Sex Fact

Kissing has been shown to reduce stress and increase bonding. So that classic “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” phrase might actually hold some scientific truth!


Don’t Rely on Luck: Prioritize Your Pleasure

Great sex is about knowing your body, communicating with your partner, and using the right tools. 

Ready to find your own lucky charm? Explore SVAKOM’s collection today and bring a little extra luck to your love life!


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