5 Reasons Why Sam Neo 2 Pro Is The Best Masturbator For You

5 Reasons Why Sam Neo 2 Pro Is The Best Masturbator For You

You know why it’s called a blowjob? Cos it’s WORK.

The Sam Neo 2 Pro is the culmination of all of Svakom’s expertise, the pinnacle of product evolution that includes the original Sam Neo, and the Sam Neo 2. All that was good about those products is reengineered here, and a whole lot more besides.

Let’s dive in, head first, and find out if Sam Neo 2 Pro is the perfect pleasure partner for you.

1. Textures & Settings

As complicated as Sam Neo 2 Pro seems when you first glance at its feature list, it is in fact just a well-engineered collection of very simple features. There’s just a lot of them. The most important is, of course, the physical sensations within it.

The internal canal is made from creamy-soft TPE, and contains alternating textures to stimulate different parts of your penis at the same time. Not to be too graphic about it, but it’s loosely inspired by the human mouth and esophagus. The first couple of inches recreate the sensations of a mouth and tongue, the deeper part feels like, well, deepthroating.

Soft beads melt into textured ridges to apply a more diverse range of pleasurable feelings to your body. In fact, since the sleeve is removable, you can take it out and use it on its own – the textures are THAT good.

So, if complex, semi-realistic sensations are what you’re looking for, Sam Neo 2 Pro is the best masturbator for you.


2. Warm, Natural Suction

The Sam Neo 2 Pro’s real party piece, of course, is its unique ability to heat internally to your body temperature. It does it quickly and without complication. It just works.

Why a warming function? Because our complaint about other ‘blowjob simulators’ is this: how real can it feel if it’s cold? A blowjob is defined by warmth, wetness, and suction, and it’s in these areas that the Sam Neo 2 Pro stands out. The internal warmth, and the powerful slurpy suction, creates a powerfully natural feeling.

The suction of the original Sam Neo was specifically designed to emulate a blowjob. But at Svakom, we always want more. So we increased the suction power by 16%, to offer an exaggerated and indulgent feeling, and put you in complete control of it.

So, if better-than-real blowjobs are what you’re looking for, the Sam Neo 2 Pro is the best masturbator for you.


3. APP Integration

The features inside this masturbator are one thing, but things get even crazier with the full app integration. The bluetooth interactivity opens the door to a universe of limitless sexual possibility to extensive to list comprehensively here.

Needless to say, Sam Neo 2 Pro is wirelessly controllable, allowing you to hand your pleasure over to a partner across the room, or across the world.  Then, the FeelConnect app can sync the Sam Neo 2 Pro with your favorite adult movies. Or, connect with the FeelPerformer app to stream your pleasure to camsites.

People can be cynical about app-related stuff. We would honestly advise you to give it a chance, and learn what it can do for you. A masturbator is always going to be a masturbator, when you connect it with the wider world, it can be so much more.

So, if limitless connectivity and interaction is what you’re looking for, the Sam Neo 2 Pro is the best masturbator for you.


4. Edging

People say falling in love is the best feeling in the world. Those people are wrong. The best feeling is edging.

Sam Neo 2 Pro is programmed with a cleverly-engineered ‘Extended O’ function, which helps you control, delay, and prolong your eventual orgasm. It has to be experienced to be believed, but what it essentially does is maintain a gentle, teasing sensation across all of its various settings, allowing you to draw out the pleasure for as long as you can.

The Extended O setting is what made Sam Neo famous, it’s just so… perfect.

So if you understand that pleasure is a marathon, not a sprint, the Sam Neo 2 Pro is the best masturbator for you.


5. Better Than A Blowjob?

Combine all of the above and you have a blowjob simulator that is more than the sum of its parts, and the final sensation, in use, is like a wildly exaggerated blowjob, something that feels more than real, and better than life.

There are two parts to the Same Neo 2 Pro. There’s the masturbator itself, and then there’s the universe of interactivity surrounding it.

Either one of those things would be orgasmic on its, but combined, it’s just… perfection. 



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