How to Use SVAKOM Cici: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Use SVAKOM Cici: A Beginner’s Guide

A favorite among beginners and experts alike, Cici is designed to take your pleasure to new heights. Its slim, flexible, and ribbed head ensures precise stimulation, while multiple vibration intensities let you customize the experience to your liking. 

So, whether you're new to sex toys or looking to upgrade, this guide will help you get the most out of Cici:

Getting Started with Cici


CICI  Svakom

Step 1: Charging & Preparation


  • Fully charge Cici before first use (charging time: 2 hours for up to 5 hours of playtime).

  • Only use the included USB charging cable and avoid overcharging.

  • Indicator lights will show when the battery is low, charging, and full.


 🔋 Need a spare charger? 

Your Cici toy already comes equipped with a charging cable, user manual, and storage pouch. But in case you like to have back up, you can find Cici's USB-A charging cable here!

Step 2: Applying Lubrication


  • For a smooth and comfortable experience, apply a generous amount of water-based lubricant.

  • Avoid silicone-based lubes, as they can damage the toy’s material.

 💦 Which lube should I use?

You can find which lubricants are compatible with your toys' material(s) in Guide to Body-safe Sex Toy Materials.


Step 3: Using Cici


  • External Stimulation: Cici’s ridged, flexible tip makes it perfect for teasing the clitoris, nipples, or perineum.

  • G-spot Stimulation: Gently insert the slim, curved head to target the G-spot with precision.

  • Explore Vibrations: Cycle through 5 vibration modes and 5 intensity levels using the one-button control.

  • Shower Play: Thanks to its waterproof design, Cici can be used in the shower or bath.


Step 4: Aftercare & Storage


  • Clean your toy immediately after use with warm water and soap.

  • Pat dry with a lint-free cloth or allow to air dry.

  • Store in a dry, cool place, ideally in a pouch to keep it protected.




⚡️ Enhance Your Experience with These Pro Tips

  • Experiment with different angles: Since Cici is flexible, try tilting it at different angles to find what feels best for you.

  • Start slow: Begin with the lowest vibration setting and gradually increase as your body responds.

  • Layer sensations: Use Cici externally first to stimulate the clitoris before inserting for deeper pleasure.

  • Pair with another toy: Combine with a bullet vibrator or cock ring for blended sensations.

  • Use It during foreplay: Let your partner take control and explore different stimulation zones together.



FAQs: Your Questions Answered

Is Cici good for beginners?

Yes! Cici’s slim, flexible design makes it an ideal choice for those new to G-spot vibrators. The one-button control ensures a simple, fuss-free experience. 

Is Cici an internal or external sex toy?

Cici is the best of both worlds! Designed primarily as a G-spot vibrator, its slim, flexible head is perfect for precise internal stimulation. But it doesn’t stop there: Cici’s ribbed, bendable tip also delivers incredible external pleasure, whether on the clitoris, nipples, or other sensitive hotspots.

However you choose to use it, Cici is all about targeted, toe-curling sensations exactly where you want them.


What’s in the box with Cici?

When you purchase Cici, you can expect to receive your Cici sex toy, the corresponding USB Charging Cable, Cici's user manual, and a soft storage pouch.


If for any reason you don't receive one or more of these items, please get in touch with SVAKOM support.


How do I know when Cici is fully charged?

A light indicator will signal when charging is complete. It takes about 2 hours to fully charge and lasts up to 5 hours of use. 

Is Cici waterproof?

Yes! Cici is fully waterproof, so you can use it in the shower or bathtub. Plus, cleaning is easy.

 💦 Learn more about waterproof toys and how to care for them in our Guide to Waterproof Sex Toys.


Which lubricant should be used with Cici?

Only use water-based lubricants, as silicone-based lubes can damage the toy's surface. If you have other toys in other materials and you're unsure which lubricants are compatible, you can find the perfect pairing here.


Where can I find the user manual for Cici?

You can access and download the full manual here: Cici User Manual.

 💡 Did you know?

You can find a full page of SVAKOM product manuals and their toy counterparts by clicking here.


Is there a warranty for Cici?

Yes! Cici comes with a 2-year warranty and a 10-year quality guarantee. You can learn more about SVAKOM’s warranty policy here: SVAKOM Warranty Information.


I have a problem with my Cici toy. How do I get in touch?

We want you to have only the best time with your SVAKOM toy. If you do have any issues with your purchase, please reach out to our Support Team who will be more than happy to assist with your issue.

 Note: We aim to respond to all inquiries within two business days. Our offices are closed on weekends and holidays.


Is Cici compatible with the SVAKOM App?

No, Cici is not compatible with the SVAKOM App. However, Cici 2 and Cici+ 2 are both excellent choices if you're looking for an app-compatible alternative to Cici!


Can Cici be used for anal play?

Cici is not designed for anal use because it does not have a flared base. However, it can be used for external anal stimulation.

 🍑 Butt play, all day

If you're looking specifically for anal toys, you can find SVAKOM's finest selection here. You can also read Best Anal Vibrator for Beginners for everything you need to have a great backdoor session.

Which SVAKOM toys are similar to Cici?

 If you love Cici, you may also enjoy:

  • Cici 2 (App-controlled G-spot vibrator)

    Slim and sensual, this upgraded Cici design offers heating, app control, and a memory function for personalized pleasure.

    CICI+ 2.jpg__PID:eaf93b2d-834c-416e-8642-24a400cfe13e

  • Ella Neo (App-controlled wearable vibrator)

    Wrapped in textured silicone, Ella Neo blends elegance with powerful vibrations and interactive features, making it your perfect companion.

    ella neo banner.webp__PID:d5922dc9-3d83-4fbb-9561-84d05e04234b









  • Nymph (Flexible clitoral & G-spot massager)

    Elevate foreplay with soft, moving fingers and a rounded vibrating head. Perfect for setting the mood and building to sensational orgasms.

    NYMPH  Svakom


  • Phoenix Neo 2 (App-controlled dual-stimulation toy)

    True satisfaction rises with Phoenix Neo 2. Featuring upgraded controls and stimulation, this app-enabled toy delivers unforgettable passion wherever you play.

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 Ready to explore more? Find more Beginner-friendly toys from SVAKOM!


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