Is this Art or a Sex Toy
Every now and again you have the chance to be part of something unexpected that rapidly turns into a project that reminds you why you do what you do and life suddenly becomes a thousand times better. That was the case when it came to work with MoSex (short for Museum of Sex a.k.a. one of our favorite places to see our collections displayed).
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SVAKOM & Women's Day

As every year, GlobalFriendship hosted their highly anticipated WOMEN EMPOWERMENT event in Guangzhou and in Shenzhen -two very international cities in the south of China that are known for hosting, among other event, gatherings that aim to promote and support causes with a global perspective- and, this year, this dynamic organization invited six guest speakers who opened the conversation about various topics related to women in todays’ world.

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SVAKOM на выставке LALEXPO
Несмотря на задержки, мы наконец-то добрались до LALEXPO – и отлично провели время! В Колумбии представитель SVAKOM Икер Перес отправился показать, насколько блестящей является наша технология!
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